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Malësia e Madhe (The Great Highland)

In the heart of northern Albania, where mountains meet the
sky, lies Malesia e Madhe, a city filled with natural
beauty and strong traditions. It’s a place where every visitor
can feel the warmth of the local culture and the power of the surrounding landscape

Malesia e Madhe is a small but charming city in Albania, known for its stunning mountain
scenery and rich traditions. The city is surrounded by breathtaking nature, making it a great spot
for hiking and outdoor adventures. With its friendly people, traditional festivals, and unique culture, Malesia e
Madhe offers a peaceful and authentic experience for anyone looking to explore the beauty of Albania

History & Culture

Malesia e Madhe is a city with deep roots in Albanian history and culture. For centuries, it has been home to strong, independent people who have preserved their traditions and way of life. The area is known for its brave resistance against invaders and its important role in Albania’s fight for independence. Culturally, Malesia e Madhe is rich in folk traditions, including music, dance, and festivals that celebrate the region’s heritage. The people here take great pride in their customs, and you can still see many old traditions being practiced today. This makes Malesia e Madhe a special place where history and culture are very much alive.

Things to do in Malësia e Madhe

Explore Kelmendi and Shkreli
Visit Tamara Village
Experience Local Culture and Festivals
Try Traditional Food
Visit Historis Sites

Nature & Parks

Food & Drink

Local Cuisine
The cuisine in Malesia e Madhe reflects the region’s mountain lifestyle, with dishes that are hearty, simple, and full of natural flavors. Many of the recipes have been passed down through generations, making the food a true taste of local tradition. The food in Malësia e Madhe is all about simple, fresh ingredients and traditional recipes. Do not miss the local dishes: ``the Cem Trout``, ``Maza e Zime``,``Mishavina Cheese``, ``Blueberry Jam``, ``Flija``, ``Jufka`` and ``Kulaç``.
Bars & Caffes
In Malesia e Madhe, bars and cafés are more than just places to grab a drink—they are social hubs where locals and visitors alike gather to relax, chat, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Scattered across the small towns and villages, these establishments offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere, often with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The cafés in Malesia e Madhe are cozy spots where you can enjoy a strong cup of Albanian coffee, known locally as ``kafe', and local bars are laid-back and friendly, offering a variety of drinks, from locally brewed beers to the traditional Albanian raki. Many bars are family-run, giving them a personal touch that makes you feel like part of the community. In the evenings, these bars come alive with conversation and laughter, as locals gather to unwind after a day’s work



Practical Informations

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Malësia e Madhe depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for, but generally, the ideal periods are late spring (May to June) and early autumn (September to October).

Getting Around

Malesia e Madhe is a region of beautiful, rugged landscapes, and while it’s not as developed as some other parts of Albania, getting around is fairly straightforward with a bit of planning.

  1. By Car: Renting a car is the easiest way to explore. It allows you to visit remote areas and enjoy the scenic routes.
  2. By Bus: Public buses and minibusses (furgons) connect the main towns and villages.
  3. By Bicycle: For adventurous travelers, cycling is a great way to see the area.
  4. On Foot: Hiking is popular in Malesia e Madhe, with many trails leading to beautiful natural spots.
  5. Taxis: Taxis are available in larger towns, but you may need to arrange them in advance if you’re heading to remote areas.


Malesia e Madhe offers a range of accommodations that cater to different preferences, from cozy guesthouses to more rustic mountain lodges. While the options might not be as extensive as in larger cities, the warmth of local hospitality makes staying here a unique and memorable experience.

  1. Guesthouses: Cozy, family-run with home-cooked meals.
  2. Hotels: Small and basic, offering amenities like private bathrooms and Wi-Fi.
  3. Mountain Lodges: Rustic and close to nature, ideal for hikers and nature lovers.
  4. Farm Stays: Experience rural life, stay on working farms, enjoy fresh produce, and learn about traditional practices.
  5. Camping: Perfect for adventurers. Several camping spots near hiking trails.


Malesia e Madhe, like much of Albania, is generally a safe destination for travelers. However, as with any travel destination, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take basic precautions.

Emergency Contacts:

  • Police: The general emergency number is 112.
  • Medical Emergencies: For ambulance services, you can also dial 127.
  • Local Help: In case of any issues, don’t hesitate to ask for help from locals or your accommodation provider.


  • Language: English may not be widely spoken, so having a translation app or basic Albanian phrases can be helpful.
  • Navigation: Using a map or GPS app can help you find your way around, especially if you’re exploring beyond the city center.    Tips for Booking:
  • Seasonal Variations: Prices and availability can vary depending on the season. Booking in advance is recommended, especially during peak tourist seasons (summer and early autumn).
  • Location: Consider the location of your accommodation in relation to the attractions you plan to visit. Staying in or near the city center can offer convenient access to restaurants, shops, and historical sites.

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